Oily skin

What is

Oily skin

Oily skin is the result of the overproduction of sebum from sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the skin’s surface.
Sebum is an oily substance made of fats.
Sebum isn’t all bad since it helps protect and moisturize your skin and keep your hair shiny and healthy.

Too much sebum, however, may lead to oily skin, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Genetics, hormone changes, or even stress may increase sebum production.

Oily skin

Amniotique VG

Biologique Recherché

from€ 54,00

Aqua Falls


from€ 62,00

Bain De Plantes

Biologique Recherché

€ 69,00

Biomagic Mask

Biologique Recherché

€ 122,00

Bubble Falls


€ 74,00

Clear Makeup Remover
Sold out
Clear Makeup Remover


€ 75,00

Cocktail d’Actifs Regenerants
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Cocktail d’Actifs Regenerants

Biologique Recherché

€ 790,00

Complexe Iribiol

Biologique Recherché

from€ 31,00

Complexe Royal

Biologique Recherché

from€ 63,00

Crème aux Acides de Fruits

Biologique Recherché

€ 87,00

Crème Collagène

Biologique Recherché

€ 71,00

Crème Grand Millésime

Biologique Recherché

€ 159,00

Crème Hydravit’S

Biologique Recherché

€ 89,00

Crème Iso-Placenta

Biologique Recherché

€ 63,00

Crème Verte Espoir A.R.

Biologique Recherché

€ 102,00

Crème VIP O2

Biologique Recherché

€ 171,00

Crème Biofixine

Biologique Recherché

€ 234,00

Crème Dermopurifiante

Biologique Recherché

€ 79,00


Biologique Recherché

€ 85,00


Biologique Recherché

from€ 57,00

DetO2x Cream


€ 270,00